About Dana

Dana Lyons
I’ve always believed in God. As a child, we usually only went to church on Easter and Christmas. As an adult, I went to church, did a couple bible studies at home, and prayed…well, I whined a lot to God. I did what I thought I was supposed to do when it came to my faith until my marriage and life fell apart.
God stopped me in my tracks one day in my bedroom. He asked me one simple question that changed my life forever:
Do you want to get well?
I knew I had a choice to make. I could say no and stay the same or I could say yes and change my life. I said yes! Best decision I ever made.
I sat in my living room staring at my bible one day. I didn’t understand how any of the stories in the bible related to me and I certainly didn’t have years to learn all the rules listed in it.
So I cried out to God. “I don’t have years to learn all this stuff. I need help now!
He replied. “You were never taught my way. You only need to know what I teach you. From here on out, I want you to write down everything I teach you.
So that became my focus. It’s my favorite thing to do, besides being with my family and, well…eating ice cream!
I learned so much along the way and I hope you are encouraged and strengthened in your faith as I share all that the Lord has taught me.
My desire is that as I share my story, it will inspire you to seek and follow Jesus, and share your journey with those He puts in front of you.
